Last week, I had an amazing experience with bean sprout and it has became my most favorite nutritious food so far. It is not only inexpensive, but also easy to find and grown. Growing bean sprouts can provide the advantages of fresh produce in five days at any time of the year, in any climate, and requires neither sunlight nor soil. Also, in terms of nutrition, sprouting can increase your ability to absorb nutrients in the beans that would normally be less digestible because they are bound by phytic acid.This method of growing provides an easy and effective method of sprouting a nutritious food.
At the first time I thought I will keep the idea of growing the radish as the seed I got in class before. However, my apartment doesn't have enough light and room for growing up that kind of green vegetable. Therefore, I started with the "bean sprout" idea which reminds me of the time I was at home with mom when I was a kid. She taught me how to take care of things around me. Start with a small plastic cup with 1 or 2 layers of wet cotton balls and throw in some green bean and cover it with plastic wrap. Everyday, I came and checked the cup and put more water if need for growing process. After 3 to 5 days I can see the sprout came out of the bean shells. The growing way was similar but the way I do is much more easier then the traditional way in the jars or in soil. But because they don't have much space and light neither nutrient condition so the result would be thinner body and bitter taste bean sprout.
Back to my home country I have a garden around my house being full with sunlight, tropical weather which was the best condition for growing vegetable. My mom loves gardening so at the weekend we spent time together enjoying the weather and do what we love. Normally we just came to the market and buy the seed we want to grow. Most of them were green leaves vegetables which edible to eat such as Shanghai bokchoy, water morning glory, tomatoes...
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